Helping Good People Get
Out Of Bad Situations

Medical debt: an end in sight?

Surgeries often come with a variety of complications, including challenging physical therapy and alternative, doctor-ordered regimens. Yet millions of Americans also face medical debt post-surgery -- debt that can linger for years after a medical procedure. This type...

Frequently Asked Questions About Bankruptcy

Filing for bankruptcy is a major life decision, and one that doesn't come easy. The burden of financial stress can be overbearing and a lot to overcome. You've heard there are certain benefits to bankruptcy, but fear the negative impact it could have on your financial...

Are you actually a homeowner?

When you bought your first home, you were thrilled to tell everyone that you were finally a homeowner. It had been your dream for 10 years and you made it happen. But are you really a homeowner? If you saved up the money and bought that house outright, then you are....

Don’t let college debt bury your future

Going to college is something to be proud of. Continuing your education is important to your future. You plan to study hard and graduate. Your endgame is to get a respectable job in your field. College is also expensive. There are options available to college students...