Helping Good People Get
Out Of Bad Situations

Which bankruptcy process is right for you?

You have a lot of debt built up that you're not sure how to deal with. You may have been able to pay it off slowly at first, but now it’s gotten out of hand. So, what are your options to quickly rid yourself of your debt? Many people file for one of two types of...

Are you ready for the emotional impact of bankruptcy?

The decision to file bankruptcy is one that’s usually not made until every other option has been exhausted. Many people think that they will feel an overwhelming relief when they file, but this isn’t always the case. In some instances, negative emotions can occur.  It...

Documents needed when filing for bankruptcy

Deciding to file for bankruptcy isn’t a simple matter. It’s something most people stress about for months before actually filing.  While bankruptcy is an effective solution to overcome significant debt, it can also have some consequences if you aren’t careful. One of...

Tips for paying off credit card debt

There are a number of different strategies available for Mississippi consumers who are dealing with credit card debt, and the right one for you will vary based on factors that include the size of your debt and your income. It may be possible to pay off the debt, but...

Property exemptions in Mississippi bankruptcies

A person who files for bankruptcy protection may be worried that they will lose all the assets that they have, but this isn’t the case. There are specific laws that cover what assets are protected from the bankruptcy process.  Mississippi has opted out of the federal...

You may not be in control of your debts

There are numerous stereotypes out in circulation about debt and bankruptcy. It is a common misconception that financial hardship only falls on those who are careless with their money.  This is far from the truth though. Many Americans are currently struggling with...

How the Chapter 7 bankruptcy means test works

Bankruptcy is a proceeding that provides debt relief. Two common types of bankruptcy are Chapter 7, a liquidation, and Chapter 13, a repayment plan. Many people in Mississippi choose Chapter 7, but they must pass a means test. Overview of the bankruptcy means test...