Helping Good People Get
Out Of Bad Situations

Ways to get medical debt relief

Even with health insurance, medical debt can still get expensive. The Kaiser Family Foundation reported that one in five working Americans claimed they had trouble paying medical bills in 2016. Fortunately, consumers in Mississippi have ways to get medical debt...

Should more people be considering bankruptcy?

Americans are no strangers to debt – our economy runs on it. Tens of millions of individuals and families in the U.S. have debt, but the amount of debt and the ability to pay it off varies widely. That being said, the annual rate of bankruptcies is inconsistent with...

Can bankruptcy discharge student loans?

When you’re 18, student loans sound fine. You don’t have to pay them back anytime soon -- or, at least, that’s how it feels -- and you may not even realize how much debt you’re taking on. Plus, you’re sure that your degree is going to get you an excellent job anyway,...