Helping Good People Get
Out Of Bad Situations

Which bankruptcy process is right for you?

You have a lot of debt built up that you're not sure how to deal with. You may have been able to pay it off slowly at first, but now it’s gotten out of hand. So, what are your options to quickly rid yourself of your debt? Many people file for one of two types of...

Are you ready for the emotional impact of bankruptcy?

The decision to file bankruptcy is one that’s usually not made until every other option has been exhausted. Many people think that they will feel an overwhelming relief when they file, but this isn’t always the case. In some instances, negative emotions can occur.  It...

The undeniable link between cancer and bankruptcy

Individuals diagnosed with cancer now have a much better prognosis than they did a few decades ago. Even children with cancer are more likely than not to survive in most cases. Of course, getting to remission isn't an easy process. Typically, those with cancer require...