Helping Good People Get
Out Of Bad Situations

Can you escape the payday loan trap?

When an emergency happens and you need a couple hundred bucks, there aren’t a lot of places to turn. Most people don’t have that kind of money to loan a friend, and you can’t usually get a bank to help you with that little of an amount. Your situation may be even...

How much will bankruptcy change your credit score?

One of the reasons that people delay bankruptcy filings is the fear of how it will impact their credit. There is a pervasive myth that those who file bankruptcy will never have good credit again or will struggle to qualify for financing after they file. While it is...

Bankruptcy is on the rise amongst the over 55s

Think back to when you first bought something on credit or took out your first loan. You probably thought debt was a temporary measure, and that as you grew older, you would pay off your debts and save for your retirement. You would never have believed you would be...

Does electronic money lead to overspending?

Cash is not nearly as common as it once was. It used to be almost the only way to pay, with some people using checks, as well. Then credit cards came along and changed the game, allowing people to pay with a swipe. Now, in 2020, we have plenty of apps that allow you...