Helping Good People Get
Out Of Bad Situations

Does bankruptcy hurt your ability to get a job?

Have you been considering the pros and cons of filing for bankruptcy and been concerned that one of the major cons might be its effect on your ability to get a job – or even a new position with your current employer – in the future?  You may know that a Chapter 7...

How can filing for bankruptcy help you keep your car?

Cars are expensive to run. If you are struggling to pay your debts, keeping your vehicle fuelled and keeping up with its payments may be challenging. Yet, as well as being something that consumes your money, your car may help you earn it. You might use your vehicle to...

Can student loans be discharged in bankruptcy?

People in Mississippi often struggle with significant debt, often including student loans. Student loan debt has even become a major issue for many people, especially when their income makes it difficult to impossible to pay them back. The burden of student loans may...