Helping Good People Get
Out Of Bad Situations

Proactive measures that can relieve your debts

It can feel like a lonely place when your debts are spiraling out of control. However, the truth is that millions of people are in the exact same position as you are. Unfortunately, there are still stigmas surrounding debt, bankruptcy and other financial issues. If...

Using bankruptcy to prevent a foreclosure

A weak economic picture has resulted in your working hours being slashed in half. Now, instead of earning enough money to pay your bills every month, you are struggling. You have cut back on all unnecessary spending. This includes cutting out cable and other expenses...

Bankruptcy and the automatic stay

When consumers in Mississippi and around the country file for bankruptcy, an automatic stay is issued that requires lenders, debt collectors and government agencies to cease all of their collection efforts. In addition to preventing property from being repossessed and...

How will the No Surprises Act affect medical debt?

If you or a loved one suffers a serious injury, perhaps in a car crash, or another medical emergency, like a heart attack, you just want immediate care. You typically don’t stop to think about whether you can afford it.  You also may have no choice about where you go...

Bankruptcy does not mean you’re irresponsible

One of the most common myths about bankruptcy is that it means you're irresponsible. People assume that you have to file because you made critical financial mistakes that you should have avoided, but you were too reckless with your spending. This does happen on...

Does bankruptcy hurt your ability to get a job?

Have you been considering the pros and cons of filing for bankruptcy and been concerned that one of the major cons might be its effect on your ability to get a job – or even a new position with your current employer – in the future?  You may know that a Chapter 7...